Digital Identity

Supporting local businesses

We have been living with COVID for quite some time. As a consequence of this tsunami, new habits, needs, and patterns have emerged in these months. Among the recent trends or habits, a massive switch

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Theft with forgiveness

Every once in a while, good things happen on this planet. Protagonist of this story is Samuel, a ten years old boy living in Oregon. In a recent visit in the State’s government building, Samuel took

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I can’t do without Slack anymore

Better than an e-mail client, better than an instant messaging client. This is my final thought about Slack. I have been using it for several months and at work it was immediately accepted by everyone.

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Connectivity: never enough

Quite a predictable cliché and “truth”. Although undeniable progresses were achieved in recent years, chances of improvement are still consistent and objective everywhere. In Central London the fibre does not exist and the best ADSL

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